“Freak Out! #Diskotekah” I’ve started to do “Freak Out!” projects to call people to love “Self” and the “Other”. My aim is to promote freedom of self-expression and acceptance of diversity. “Freak Out! #Diskotekah” throws light upon conceptual parties called Diskotekah (DTK) in Cape Town. Originally it was created as the brand that cultivates an alternative queer creative scene in South Africa. Now it has become the place gathering Cape Town’s creatives with different backgrounds. It is inclusive of all genders and sexual identities, ethnicities and ages, as long as the guests share the values and come there to enjoy. It is a great example of social evolution. I find it’s amazing that the term “queer” has broadened up its meaning from denoting only “LGBT-related” to now naming people with the unique and funky way of looking and lifestyle. Diskotekah, “Wrestle Mania” August, 2018.